3rd w
eeek of school over!:Dtime flies so fast can.monday: no PLW, so my classmates booked the lib rooom for us to go and do our e learning. (:
Denise! l0l zl! :P
dancer, swimmer, dancer! :D
denise xuefen jaslyn ! (:

ZhongWei, Denise. (:
after lecture, before home-ing. [:
tom, kokwei. (:
lols kokwei + eddy.

2nd daae! :Dwent BCA Academy. (:
hahahh we thhreeeeeee:D
Amirul Jen Michelle Xujie. [:
tally! lols.
MI ray do!
we are tallllllll okay:D
eddy, xuefen. [:
lols peijie, darrion. (:
pri school cum poly schoolmaate ! ((:
truthfully, he's taller. :x
we haf the same birthday!:D
hahah us us:D
xuefen and mir. [:
peijie & mir!
lols the two tallies~
xuefen ,, zhongwei! (:
augustine denise amirul! (:
lols she's just borrowing hhis bag for writing?
wahh hardworking students from 1b03 yayyyyyyy!:D
lols aact whheeelbounded patients with a caring "nuurse". :s
patient: clifton! nurse: kokwei! l0l.
eddy peijie kokwei jas:D
three whites :D
awwww so sweeet right:D
the two best friends! :Dpeijie, xin ni. (:
the two mans! l0l.eddy, amirul.
1BO3'o9! ((:
otw to school, then went bukit timah pizzaa hhut. (:then back to schhool went vb!:D
all of uus wore pink socks on that daae so co-incidentaally!:Dyou mo qi. (;
yayyyyyy thats us!:Dkelly, jaslyn, careen, rachel. (:3rd daae of school! (:
4th day:Happy Birthday Aaron Chua! :Dno school for us as a class of 1b03 cos thursday we hafing IS. IS - Interdiscipliary Studies, where everyone is seperated into a new class and omg i did my first formal presentation so scaryyyyyyyy!terrible scary experience. :(more scary moment coming up! T.Tms ho said there'll be one more individual presentation and one group presentation coming uppppp!omgomg.&&!she also said as we grow older our presentation time increases up to THIRY MINUTES.from the current one.five mins.OMG.pray hard i'll get by. :si miss the three beauties! :(5th day: went to the Parliament House and the Supreme Court w 1b03, half of 1b02 and Mr Aaron Chua. (:v nnice experience thought not as dramatic as those Hong Kong drama i thought it would be.I must go there again! i haavent pay muuch attention during the drug tracfficking case's gg on inside.im gg to spend more time inside listening. :Daniibody wann go again? :D:Daate pastamaniaaaaa at funan the it mall w class and advisor and came up w a hefty bill of THREETHREEONE buucks.omy thankyou Mr Aaron Chua for your birthday treat! (:all pictures w him. [:
went delifrance just now to celebraate mummy's day! (:
haavent gave hher her card but we'll draw later on!
im working tmr at jp!
yayyyyyyy i miss working!
i miss jp doughnuts and yogurt and chicken and honey aloe vera and bbt and clothes and the people! D:
Happy Mother's Day! :D