didnt follow ouur plannings tooddae, and overslpt.
ii finally bought my laptop!:D
lenovo t4oo. ((:
wendy acc. me for the whhole of the laate morning and early afternoonn. :D:D
so sweeet of her. (:
went to install the softwaare and stuuffs which toook less than 3o mins.
supposed to mhhhit pk at 2.
but everything was puushed back.
andand i led wendy to take the wrong bus, cauusing pk to waait for another one hour.
sorry. :(
i will lookk carefuully the nexttime i take a bus.
in the end couldnt make it to go kbox w them cos had to retuurn home,
JIAN SHENG hhaappyi birthhddae!
TAO OEI hhaappyi birthddae!
met finn jian hao and yicong at je interchange then went to jp to buy js's prezzie!
met wendy at jp!
we decided to buy hhim a eaarpiece after jianhao's suggestion. LOL.
dhhen went to buy the wraapper and then went yc's hhome and waaited for js's arrival. HAHA.
while waaiting, we did nothing other than singing!
yc has a mike and some songs.
wowwwww right.
hahahahahahahah. :D
then he camme! w yiloon.
Jian Sheng!
one by one Zi Jie came, then PeiQi! then Kristle, then Harry.
Wendy Sasfinn Jaslyn!
Wendy Sasfinn XinHui Jaslyn (:
Yi Cong!
Jian Hao!
YiLoon, Zi Jie, Jas:D
they were pplaaeing in the rooomm, girls were ouut in the living rooomm singing!:D
Yi Loon. LOL.
Jian Hao!
PeiQi Sasfinn Kristle Wendy XinHui playing HEART ATTACK. [:
sorry for messing up your living rooom, yicong! :s
LOL she's floaating!~
backstage crews. LOL.
OUR LUNCHHH!:D;D cumdinnner?
we played cards, sang, comp-ed, the guitar-ed, ate, drank, had fun, toookk pics, and hhomed. :D
reaached home at nine thiry, then acc. mummy to westmall's macdonalds to uuse the computer cos my home's modem was faulty.
thenthen sis and ii acc. hher and aate!:D
we didnt knew how to uuse the mac's wireless though. :s
so hhommeddddddd! (:
Labels: jian sheng birthday