went cycling yytd night!:D
like so long after the last time we cycled.
9fifteen @ store! (:
cycled to labrador paark:D
saw three to five couuples at the plaace enjoying the seaa breeze. v windy! (;
XiaoBai, Mike, SiongWei, Me, Innchiat! (:
sooo many ppl nnot there D:
our bicycles!
went satay cluub to mhhit tanjiayu!
then went yuhua mac. ((:
lols. coool uh. (;
went back to store w LIC then aacc hhim to loook for hhis friends at jurong west dhen made a few new friends.
they're like really veryyyyyyy friendly! :D:D
homed at 2plus am!
studied jap and fell asleeepp on the sofa w/o bathing. T.T
dhen wokkuup at 6+ to baathe! LOL.
studied and slaacked and slept then went jap class................................
jap test/exaam was disaastrous. :(
went jp to loook for wendytan to pei her buy hher stuuufs for school! (:
i miss working in Cubez! D:
Wendy! Ika! me!:D
me Ika Wendy. ((:
yayyyyyyyyyy we!:D:D
met brother and sister then met Careen!
cos we're gg to Careen's concert!:D
she was playing the piano at a concert held in her school of Christoph____?
Careen! :D
Careen& sister. (:
brother, Careen, sister, me! (:
went to eaat with mummy and graandfather after we left haalfwaae through the concert. :x
HOME-ed! (: