hahahahahah dhhen i went hhome cos HE've reachhed and hhad bbeen waiting for me.
and l0l kristle porky peiqi darren kaixiang and me rann escalators in opp. directions! HAHA.
memorable uuh. (:
whhile lookking for finn and siyi dhhey all to go back to chhalet. *thanks!(;
missed the las train! sorryyi. :x
initially wannted to takk cabb to orchhard dhhen takk bus, but orchhard also no more bus, so tookk cab from pasirris to orchhard, dhhen another cabb from orchhard to jurong. T.T
hheartpainnnnnnnnnnnnnn!~ arounnd FORTY buckks gone jjuus liddhhat. :(
reachhed hhome safely at two& went to thhe chhalet the next ddae at tenplus.
dhhen went independent-ly to the chhalet, met juehong -- my friend i knew through adam khhoo's camp, awhile, dhhen went to lookk for themm!:D
&& saw allllll the sleeeppy faces. HAHA. :x
but porky left already!! T.T shhe was gg mmsia dhhat night, so left earlyy.
pplae-ed cardds, then went wildwildwet! after siyi left cos shhe gotta workk on wedd.
my first visit dhher!:D
tookk many riddes, &&im reallyi proud of myself ohhkay!
cos i took rides that i would nnever hhad takken. (:
thanks to finn&darren's encouragementS! ((:
but the wave pool was!!~
but savedd several times by finn darren and yilooonn!:D
dhhey're great!;D
the thhuunderstorm cammme!
so we went ouut to the fooddcourt to eat, i was sooopper hhungry.
but i thhink i ate to sllooow dhhen everyonne...

fell aslleeepp..? :s
luckily the rain stoppped! we shhivered thhrou the journey while walking back to the chhalet and dhhey chhangeddd and pplae-edd and tv-edd and laugh-ed and sleeeep-ed!