HAPPY REN RI!!!!!!!! xin nian chu seven. :Domggggggggg!
we're uusing addult fare alrrrrrrrrr!! T.T
soopper exppensive cann. $$.$$
toookk 187 from my hhouus to juurong spring cc!
e faare iincreaseddddddd! from the usual o.45 to o.71 CENTS!!
l0l. veryveryvery exppensive cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
&&!! sasfinn soopper funnyy!! LOL HAHAHAHAHAH.
we wennt ddown e bbuus but i forgot to tapp
then alighht alr then sasfinn SHOUTED! LOL.
shhe shhouuted "DENG YI XIA!!" HAHA. or suumthing lidhhat LOL
askking thhe buus uuncle nnortt to ddrive onn..! l0l.
hahahahahah dhhatts soooooo fuunny for ppeople at thhe scenne! lols.
so brave of hher to save my monney. hahahah ty so muucchh..!
LOL really very funny larrrrrrrr~~
ohhkay, endd of story!
wennt to my malay nneighbours' hhouse warmmming for breakkffast cum luunch!:D
vvvvv bbeauutiful hhouse and ddeliciouus fooodd. hahahahahah yummy:D
l0l. && i ate steammboatt toonighht!:D
happy happy ddaeeeeeeee:D:D:D