hhappyyie hhappyyi 2009!!!!!:D:D:D
goodbye 2008, welcome 2009!(:
my siblings are already ppreparing for skkoo tmmr whhile im missing skkoo. D:
even missing thhe o lvls pperiod. l0l. time flies soooo fast! ouur resuults are likk coming ouut in another ffew ddaesssss. ommg.
went imm giant jjuus nnow to buy foooooooooodd!:D
singapore's a real fooodd paradiise! dhhere so muchh nnew year gooooddies everywhere. hahahahahah we're soooo blessedd! ;D
l0l. we spennt so muuchh on fooodd jjuust nnow dhhen were qquite embarrassed to line up at thhe cashhier cos ouur trolley's sooo fuuull andd ppoeple are likke loookking at uus. :x
ouur tuurn is like 6-8 ppeoples' tuurns in another quueue. l0l but dhhats fuunn! hahahah.
went hhome and hhad steammboat for ddiinnner withh family!
steamboat's soooo fulfillinngggg!~ :D
thenthen dhhere was thhis shhow on chhannel u shhowing a cow god? thhe cow god seeemmed so amazing! dhhey saidd thhe waste of dhhat cow couldd even treat a muute. *WOW!*
soo suurprisinngg uuhhhhh! hahahahah && i love lil nyonya!:D
wennt to jp last year (yesterddae) to buy sis's primary ttwwoo books withh my broo and sister!
everyone was buying books last minn lo hahahahah thhe popular's soooo fuuulll!
e ppeople qqueu-ing at thhe cashhier are likk singaporeans quueu-ing for free ggifts. l0l.
BUT we were qquuite fast!
sis queue up at the cashier, broo queued to collect the books, i went to buy files for my parents.
&& we savedd sooo muuch time! hahahahah thanks to ouur PLAN. (;
ended uup llate mhhiting thhe thrree bbeauuties - KELLY POHKHEE WENDY!:D:D:D
so i met them @ cityhall mrt, went marinna sqquuare!
we pplae-edd poooooolllll!! yayyyyyyyy! :D:D:D
its so rare that we are all able to mhhit upp altogethherrrrr!
but, thhe ppoool dhher is soooo ex. DDDD:
its like more dhhen 2times thhe ammounnt at marina dhhen at arrenna!
so pplae-ing pooool at marina is soo nnortt worthh.. but we still enjoyyed!:D
finishedd plae-ing @ 1o plus && we wannted to catchh bedtime stories!;D
but the timing at marina was 23:55. && dear pohkhee didnt bring hher sppecs.
so we ruushhed to jp to watchh thhe shhow @ 23:2o!
becauuse it was nnearer to ouur hhomessss:D
and porky could go and get hher specs ++ hher wonderful sis hhelpedd uus checked thhe timings and bought the ticketsssss! so nnice of hher. (:
hhmmmm watchhed e shhow && missedd countdown, but i still thhink dhhat was worthh. [:
e shhow's sooooooooo hhappyyi ending! :D:D
if onnly dhhat hhaapens in real life.
i wish i wish fairy tales will hhappen sometime in my lifespan please! :D
espp to hhaf a hhappyyi endding for everyeverything! (:
e shhow endded arounnd onne am. annd sooooo thankyou wendy's daddy for fetchh uus hhome!:D:D