MUMMY hhappyyi biRthddae!:D:DBRINA sheng ri kuuaai le!:Dmet innchiat and xiaobai at yuhua cc then ahboy at jp!
atee yoguurt:D:D yuummy!
went IT show w innchiat xiaobai and ahboy!
mygod, there like ten schools of people at the show and its sooooooo sqquuezzzyi!~~~
went for the sake of comparing the laptops for myself and the guys' earpiiece.
i was soo determined to buy ACER!
but was later braainwashed. agaiinnnnnnnn,

ahboy; xiaobai; innchiat; jaslyn!:D
went maarina squuare to eaat, then cabbed w innchiat to jurong spring cc!
xiaobai and ahboy went to mhhit their friends.
mygodmygod, we CABBED baack.
so exx!! $$.$$

i was laate for baallettttt, not alone.
finn waaited for me for haalf an hour.
awwww sweeet uuh. (;
HAHA. went jp after thaat and bouught yoguurt!!
coookkies&creaam's nnice tooo!
so, nice yoguurtS : ice cream, chocolate hazelnut, straawberry, cookies&cream!, blaack forest. ((:
then bought finn's fries, met wendy! got braainwashed by jolene and bee,